Category: Toys
New toy! (cheap PVR)
I’ve been pondering a PVR thingy for a while but could never justify the cost or really needing one. Tesco have allegedly had a barginous 70quid Digihome one but its never in stock (been watching for 9 weeks, apparently its 60quid now too, but again, no stock) that is the same as the 95quid one…
Its a miracle
On Thursday night, the 32″ widescreen goodness that my GF used to attract me gave up and saw red. Lots of red, in square boxes, then all over the screen and then… blackness as it switched itself off. 14″ of 4:3 isn’t the same. Over the weekend the GF and I have had several, shall…
RAM it to the max.
I finally dropped more RAM into my MacBook last night. The original 512MB simply is not enough to run MacOSX in my view. Example, if I was using Safari and had 5 or 6 tabs open, closing a random tab that was not the foregrounded one would cause the spinning “beach ball of doom” to…
RAM Prices
Bah. When I bought my MacBook at the start of July, 2GB of RAM for it was 180quid at I didn’t buy it as I thought I would see how I went. Mid/end of July RAM was 140, I didn’t buy ‘cos I wanted to wait until after I was paid. I got paid,…
ADSL woes
A friend asked me today if my ADSL has been more unreliable, disconnects etc, after I moved to 8MBit. I thought about it and thought not, but in retrospect I think he is right, ADSL MAX sucks for uptime, mine is down again. Bastards. I need to make my router reboot itself when the line…
MacBook, 1 month on.
Its been a month since I bought my MacBook so I thought I’d air my views (its unlike me to have an opinion, eh!). Its thin. I had a G3/800Mhz iBook before (and have a G4/1.33GHz iBook for work) and it feels noticeably thinner but that makes me worry about snapping it. Its wide and…
Well, I bought Tiger for my iBook (finally). The DVD was on my desk this morning. Sadly mu iBook doesn’t have a DVD drive, so… run with iPods!
Phones, again…
So, I narrowed my choice down and decided I rather liked the Sony Ericsson W800i, despite it being rather orange. Trouble is, I tried one and the UI is, errr, horrible. Now I realize I should spend longer trying to get used to it and that after 5years with Nokia’s I am going to be…
Well, my mobile phone contract is up for renewal so I can get a new phone for no additional cost (I know its not free, I know I pay over the period of the contract, yadda yadda ;)). So, what to get? Well, whilst I was away last I came to be wanting a much…
SG Pt2 and timezone fun.
Well, whilst in Singapore I have noticed a couple of places doing Dim Sum. As Phelyan has on numerous times extolled the virtues of Dim Sum when he has been in HK I thought I had to try it. He is spot on, its great. Lots of tasty little things to pick at and eat.…