Category: Tech

  • Leopard

    So  being the Mac fanboy I am, my Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) family pack arrived yesterday morning. Amusingly the courier delivered to my sisters work about an hour later and said to her “I know what you’ve got for Christmas, its one of them new iPods I’ve been delivering all day.”. My sister put him…

  • New toy! (cheap PVR)

    I’ve been pondering a PVR thingy for a while but could never justify the cost or really needing one. Tesco have allegedly had a barginous 70quid Digihome one but its never in stock (been watching for 9 weeks, apparently its 60quid now too, but again, no stock) that is the same as the 95quid one…

  • Core 2 Duo madness

    So the day _after_ I buy an Intel Core2Duo for my new home server shit hits the fan and Intel say that maybe actually the chips have, you know, the odd bug. Ah well, I doubt it will affect me in all honestly, but isn’t it just typical. Anyway, upside of above purchase is that…

  • Ext disks

    I have a need for external storage. Mainly to make ‘backups’ portable *cough*. I also feel the need for more disk on my MacBook so I can install Windows (work means I need to, sadly). So, I was thinking I’d buy an external 160GB 2.5″ drive and swap that disk into my MacBook and put…

  • New secondaries

    What with OW going bye-bye in 3 weeks, I figured I should remove any OW servers from my domains – things like secondary MX and DNS. I could just use Morgins (colo in Manchester) and Avoriaz (ADSL in my house), but ADSL is not to stable and Avoriaz gets turned off now and then when…

  • wireless cabling?

    I have a router downstairs and a computer that needs access to it upstairs. Could I cable in hub into an AirPort Express upstairs and have it connect to another AirPort express downstairs that connects to the router? I should just stick a wireless card in the upstairs box shouldn’t I, why did I only…

  • the dot in dot com?

    Am I wrong, or is the end dot on a domain name / host name technically the correct form and the lack of the dot a technical incorrectness that is tolerated? If so, please explain why the BBC can’t manage Anyone?

  • CSS homepagetastic

    A while back, told me off for using nested tables on my homepagey thing and said all the cool kids were using CSS. So… I give you my new CSStastic homepage/blog/thing Its not actually finished, I messed up a mv ../../../ which should have been a ../../ and went live early, but hey… I’ll…

  • Exim and spamassassin

    Okay, how do I make it so mail for which my Exim is a relay (high MX) is not scanned by spamd? Whilst I don’t mind filtering spam out of ‘s and others mail, I’d like the option in case they do. Thanks.

  • Morgins spamd

    I have given spamassassin a thorough going over on Morgins. Configs tweaked, razor2 added, RBL stuff added though no SPF for an odd reason I have yet to work out. Several thousand spam mails stuck through sa-learn too. Hopefully this will help stop mailboxes filling up with junk and ham mail ending up in spam…