Category: Computers
RAM Prices
Bah. When I bought my MacBook at the start of July, 2GB of RAM for it was 180quid at I didn’t buy it as I thought I would see how I went. Mid/end of July RAM was 140, I didn’t buy ‘cos I wanted to wait until after I was paid. I got paid,…
ADSL woes
A friend asked me today if my ADSL has been more unreliable, disconnects etc, after I moved to 8MBit. I thought about it and thought not, but in retrospect I think he is right, ADSL MAX sucks for uptime, mine is down again. Bastards. I need to make my router reboot itself when the line…
MacBook, 1 month on.
Its been a month since I bought my MacBook so I thought I’d air my views (its unlike me to have an opinion, eh!). Its thin. I had a G3/800Mhz iBook before (and have a G4/1.33GHz iBook for work) and it feels noticeably thinner but that makes me worry about snapping it. Its wide and…
Gallery2 mod_rewrite
I finally got bothered enough to configure “friendly URLs” on my Gallery2 install, which I really should have done properly to start with when I migrated from G1 to G1. Looks much nicer now 🙂 Plus, it looked like today’s Hungarian GP will be a wet one. Is this a good thing? I can’t remember,…
Broken, bah!
Arse. Two things I discover are broken today. Firstly, Codetek VirtualDesktop Pro does not run (well, it runs but doesn’t work) on Intel Macs, so I have only one desktop ATM which is like, wrong. Secondly it appears that although SpamAssassin has been letting thousands of spam mails a week through, it had a mad…
Hold down the ‘t’ key and pray
So what with my iBook never going to have video again I drove down to Southampton on Sunday and picked up a MacBook (John Lewis, a) had stock, b) give you a 2 year warranty 3) give you a free Apple wireless keyboard and mouse – Ebay!). Its nice enough and the screen is indeed…
Okay, so I spoke to soon
Well, it did work, but today when I turned on my iBook… nothing. Resetting the PMU has no effect, so I think its dead. I am compiling VNC ATM but I’m not sure I can start VNC services via SSH, so we’ll see.
By the power of blog(skull?)
I post an entry about my iBook dying and what happens? It starts working again! Wow… Okay, so in between I did discover the correct keypress to clear the PMU, which I rather suspect helped, but, Woohoo!
It’s dead Jim…
I think it is safe to say that my iBook is no more. It got a bit warm on Monday night (was on the table, but my flat was hot) and suddenly the graphics went fuzzy and messed up and the machine froze. I rebooted but got no video, so left it to cool down.…
Well, I now have ADSL Max at home. 8MBit down, 446Kbps up. This should make Avoriaz a bit nippier for those with things still on it. No bandwidth cap either, well, not that I’ll hit. I have 30GB a month between 18:00 and 24:00, unlimited outside those hours. I will run some speedtests over the…