I’ve been pondering a PVR thingy for a while but could never justify the cost or really needing one. Tesco have allegedly had a barginous 70quid Digihome one but its never in stock (been watching for 9 weeks, apparently its 60quid now too, but again, no stock) that is the same as the 95quid one at Argos. So, yes, today I found a proper reason for needing one – Le Tour is only on ITV4 so I can’t use my VCR! Still, 95quid… but oh no! Its on sale for 80. So, toy, a Digihome PVR80 which thus far has been impressive. It works, it doesn’t look bad and yeah, it works. I don’t suppose I could ask for more. Apparently I can connect a serial cable to it and hack the software to it will record two channels at the same time, but for now I will be leaving it as it. Recorder set for ITV4 7-8pm for the next 3 weeks. Marvellous 🙂
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