Ext disks

I have a need for external storage. Mainly to make ‘backups’ portable *cough*. I also feel the need for more disk on my MacBook so I can install Windows (work means I need to, sadly). So, I was thinking I’d buy an external 160GB 2.5″ drive and swap that disk into my MacBook and put the 60GB in my MacBook into the enclosure. PC World have Maxtor jobs for 80quid, which is nice, but I note from http://www.maxtorsolutions.com/en/catalog/OTIII_Mini/ that these claim to be ATA, now ATA to me means PATA and not SATA. I need SATA so ATA wouldn’t work – but of course ATA could be PATA or SATA so I am confused. Anyone know if a) the Maxtor minis are SATA b) the drive is swapable? Alternative options welcomed. Ta.

Update: It is a Seagate Momentus 5400.3 inside, which is an Ultra ATA/100 drive, so no go.







One response to “Ext disks”

  1. rzigweid avatar

    I can’t really help much with respect to the external storage, but I can make a recommendation for you on needing to utilize Windows on your macbook. Assuming that you have the diskspace (yes, still need that unfortunately) and memory, I recommend using Parallels. I may already have done this but I continue to like it better than VMWare Fusion (which just hit beta 4. I haven’t tried that version), though there are still reasons to use VMware instead of Parallels.

    Further, if memory is an issue, there is an application called CodeWeavers which is something that is a bit like Wine and allows you to run Windows applications directly in the OS X environment, rather than requiring a virtualization technique.

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