Colo Update

Although its not nice to see someone get frustrated, this made me happy that and I were right to move out of Mailbox. Morgins is happily running in Manchester, I need to fix email tagging with spamd, its working, then not and I can’t figure it out. I also need to work out how to filter to Courier IMAP type folders and have Pine use them too (I have the inbox working). Pondering what do do with my old mail which is in mbox format also. I have webmail working, need to https it, and also switch mail to using sasl based passwords, rather than shadow – why did I ever thing shadow passwords were better to use? I am a muppet! Avoriaz is still up in my flat and I need to switch and over onto Morgins still. Need to put the new ADSL router into my flat too… much to do!






5 responses to “Colo Update”

  1. icklemichael avatar

    RMPJ is still on avoriaz too…

  2. nslm avatar

    If memory serves you can enable exim filter based filtering by uncommenting the allow_filter line in the userforward router, if you like procmail, then describes how to do it with the appropriate transport.

    If you want all mail to have the SA tags then you need to replace
    “spam = nobody” with “spam = nobody:true”

  3. al_bullit avatar

    I can’t make it work. spamassassin works on command line, spamc doesn’t. Its a mystery to me.

  4. nslm avatar

    Well my mail now has the appropriate headers….

    If you want to mess with the headers you need to use system filters to rewrite the headers, (basically SpamAssassin isn’t able to directly alter the email….)

    In the DATA ACL:

    warn message = X-New-Subject: ++SPAM++ $h_subject:
    spam = nobody

    In the system filter:

    if “${if def:header_X-New-Subject: {there}}” is there
    headers remove Subject
    headers add “Subject: $h_X-New-Subject:”
    headers remove X-New-Subject

  5. al_bullit avatar

    yes, cunning. cant make conditional stuff work the way I want ATM… will post more shortly

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