So, today saw Steve Jobs’ keynote at SF MacWorld. I didn’t expect iMacs, but they look cool. The FM remote thing for the iPod would be great, but you need a 5G/Nano for it, why? Bastards. Also in the bastard cat, the new MacBookPro… it looks lurvley, but get this. US price, 1999 USD. UK price, 1779 GBP. WTF! The ‘old’ G4 15″ Powerbook was 1999 USD in the US and 1399 GBP in the UK. Exchange rates are not that different today – ripped off, thats what we Brits are!
Also, iLife ’06, which I’d like to buy, won’t run on my iBook ‘cos I have a G3. I am not liking Mr Jobs today.
Update: No sooner do I moan than Apple go and change the price of the 15.4″ MacBookPro to 1429 GBP. Thats more like it. Now, how much can I get for a Kidney?
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