Well, whilst in Singapore I have noticed a couple of places doing Dim Sum. As Phelyan has on numerous times extolled the virtues of Dim Sum when he has been in HK I thought I had to try it. He is spot on, its great. Lots of tasty little things to pick at and eat. Plus, its cheap – 3ppl for 10quid eat at the Intercontinental! Sweeet.
Electronics shopping in SG is weird. They have so much stuff and things you just wouldn’t expect to see in market shops (Sim Lim Square, Chinatown, Orchard Road, etc). In Sim Lim I wandered past a place with a Sun E450 and an E3500 sat outside, I asked how much. The E450 was 400SGD (140GBP) and the E3500 was 600SGD (200GBP!). The chap confessed to not knowing what they were but rather pricing on their size, I reckon I could have haggled him down but I suspect Sri Lankan Airlines wouldn’t quite approve of my ‘oversize luggage’ 😉
The Apple store on Orchard street is nice, and they give a great demo of Aperture. Opposite there is a crumpler store too – I was wandering about with an iBook in a Crumpler Roll-O-Notes and this apparently make me really cool. Err, thanks!
Back at work this morning I thought I would fill in my timesheets, ahead of time or else I’ll forget. So, for tomorrow I leave the apartment at 5.30am and expect to get to Bath at about 10pm (sadly its not a direct flight!) – that is 24 hours and 30 minutes, so I tried to put 24.5 under traveling on my timesheets, at which point the system told me that I could not have more than 24 hours in a day. Bastard logic of American software! I have written to complain 😉
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