New York can’t do on foot…

Arrived at JFK last night, on time pretty much, though delayed by the huge queues at passport control. Driving north (JFK, Whitestone bridge, Hutchinson River Parkway for those that care) though was horrid. Its the Marathon in New York today and it appears that as soon as people want to get round NYC on foot the whole place grinds to a halt. America hey! Ah well. Last nights colo power work went well and service was not affected, go me ๐Ÿ˜‰

This morning in the colo though I have witnessed what can only be described as the single most stupid act ever seen in a data center. Some chap (with two colleagues!) was trying to get console on a Cisco “load balancer” ‘cos it was tits up, his laptop didn’t have a serial port so, his colleagues made the astounding observation that if they took off the RJ45->9pin serial adapter the cable fitted in the laptop’s network card port… so they tried it. Obviously to the rest of the world, this didn’t work. Hopefully they didn’t notice me laughing.

Right, back to work!







5 responses to “New York can’t do on foot…”

  1. shadow_jess avatar

    There are no words, so have a cattle prod ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. al_bullit avatar

    Having seen their wiring, I think it is likely they will zap themselves!

  3. shadow_jess avatar

    In that case, set up a webcam ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. al_bullit avatar

    I think someone tried that or something… since I was last here about 18months ago, they have started taking away your mobile at reception if you have a camera phone and there are signs up everywhere saying “no photography. if you are caught with a camera it will be confiscated and you will be removed from the building”. I’ll see if I can get a pic of the sign for you later ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. welikegoats avatar

    So they ended up trying to telnet to the console, or get a serial emulator running on a network port?

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