If all I wanted to do was have a little fun before I died then apparently I am in the right city. The 11 hour flight wasn’t that bad, though I don’t see the point of online seat pre-booking if they just shuffle you around when you get to the airport anyway. Mind you, I got an isle seat at the back so I shouldn’t complain. I got lucky with the weather too (though we did have some fun ‘see the cabin crew fall over’ turbulence) and so the views across Canada and through the Rockies were just spectacular! I have only seen the south western United States from the back of a car when I was 10 (no, I am not complaining, I know I am lucky to have done it) but the shear scale you gain from 38000ft is just incredible. I must get back there, at ground level and preferably with a bike.
At the moment I am trying to stay awake. Its not to tricky right now though, the view from my room, across LA and over to the Hollywood sign is pretty damn nice. Floor to ceiling windows 27 floors up though do may me feel a little uneasy when stood right in front, so I will just sit a foot back 😉 I really fancy a good burger before I hit the hay, where hay in this case is a Westin kingsize heavenly bed. It does look nice, but I dare not try it out or my eyes will close and my body clock won’t get its arse kicked into shape. For those that are interested hers a piccy. The Westin is the odd multicylindrical building in the middle.
Right, I shall go find food and beverage 🙂
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